Swipes – To do list & Task manager to Plan, Schedule and Achieve your goals

OS X 10.9
With Swipes for Mac you enter a workspace that keeps you focused on achieving a goal. Swipes is voted as one of the world’s top 5 productivity apps with a Best New Startup prize by Evernote and a nomination for a Webby Award. Swipes takes away the stress of looking into long lists of to-dos and helps you focus on one priority at a time. It stands on the shoulders of a powerful productivity concept called the Swipes Way - Collect, Organize, Take Action. Based on smart integrations (with Gmail and Evernote, triggered via Swipes on mobile), the app helps you automatically collect all your tasks into one place. You can then quickly organize them according to your priorities and re-schedule everything else for later. As a final step of the success loop, Swipes lets you set your mind on this one priority and work on it with full focus. Once you’re done, the app will cheer you and send you the next action from the list. Swipes is used by high achieving individuals and companies in more than 140 countries around the world. "You’ll soon find yourself spending less time organizing your schedule and more time working on it." - MakeUseOf Optimize your workflow with some powerful features like: * Plan your day on a timeline * Easily schedule non-priority tasks for later * Manage tasks from Evernote’s checkmarks and emails from Gmail via the integration on Swipes mobile * Set task priorities * Set reoccurring tasks * Workspaces - Use tag & filter to work in context * Get reminded with notifications * Assign reminders and notes * Access to Swipes on all your devices * All your data is safe and backed-up to the cloud * Save any content from the web as a task - Quick add from status bar * Work even in offline mode * Badge icon & notifications This app is for the fans of powerful tools, the GTD (Getting Things Done) enthusiasts, the slick design appreciators, the achievers. Use the app on the go or at the office: Web app - http://web.swipesapp.com iPad app - in iTunes Android app - https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.swipesapp.android&hl=en Swipes is FREE to download and use. Here's our Terms of Use: http://swipesapp.com/termsofuse.pdf Here's our Privacy Policy: http://swipesapp.com/privacypolicy.pdf Learn more about Swipes at our website: http://swipesapp.com Need help? Get in touch with our Help Center at support@swipesapp.com or visit http://swipesapp.com/faq