SwiftoDo Desktop is a minimalist, keyboard-driven to-do manager for Mac OS X that conforms to the todo.txt format spec.
General features
- Full compliance with the todo.txt format spec.
- Support for due date (due:), threshold date (t:), recurring tasks (rec:), and hidden (h:1) tags.
- Fully keyboard-driven, with one-key bindings for commonly-used commands.
- Sorting, filtering, and full-text searching.
- Multiple selection in the task list.
- Archive completed tasks (to done.txt), either on command or automatically.
- Preserves Windows or Unix line endings in the todo.txt file for cross-platform compatibility.
- Undo/redo support.
- Copy/paste functionality for task list.
- Displays general metadata (task counts, etc.) about the task list.
## A task list that *you* control
Your task list is a plain text file, not some proprietary format owned by a company or locked to a specific application.
## A simple and timeless format
Plain text is the simplest file format there is. It will always be accessible, by some kind of application, forever.
## Few rules to learn
Learn only a few simple formatting rules (which SwiftoDo will take care of for you) to indicate task priority, task completion, and so on.
## A GTD-ready system
The todo.txt format was built with Getting Things Done in mind. It supports projects (which begin with a “+”) and contexts (which begin with a “@“).
## Use alongside any app on any platform
This app plays nicely with file sync software. It saves changes instantly, and reloads the file when changes are detected from external sources.