OS X 10.9
Superego helps you understand what you do when you are sitting at your computer. It tracks the application you're using and the related documents and reports back time spent on any document. It is designed and intended for personal use, like the "real" Super-ego: "[a] special psychical agency which performs the task of seeing that narcissistic satisfaction from the ego ideal is ensured ... what we call our 'conscience'" as Freud said. A mean to improve ourselves by understanding what we do. Superego is different from other "time trackers" in that it never tell anyone what you're doing. There is no magic server or database somewhere, no "phone home", no "adaptive device support", no key logger, no information leaking. Superego is a fully sandboxed application and cannot track what you're writing. Heck, it cannot even make a network call. Your data is yours. No one but you can track yourself. How to use it: Start it and it will start tracking your application usage. Feel free to quit the application window and use the status menu (the one with the clenched fist) to control the app. You can also reopen the main application window from there. More info on the web site.