OS X 10.11
stts helps you monitor the status of various cloud services. With a click of the menubar icon, you can see the status of your favorite services. You can also be notified when a service goes down or gets restored. stts is designed to be unobtrusive, only giving you the information you need and allowing you to access the status page with a single click. Monitor the status of over 100 services: - Amazon Web Services (AWS) - Atlassian - Atlassian Statuspage - Aptible - Auth0 - Authorize.Net - Beanstalk - BitBucket - Braintree - CircleCI - Cloud66 - Cloudflare - Cloudinary - CocoaPods - Codacy - Code Climate - Codecov - Contentful - Coveralls - DigitalOcean - Discord - Docker - Dropbox - Dwolla - Engine Yard - Evernote - Fabric - Figma - Filestack - Firebase - Gandi.net - GitHub - Google Cloud Platform - Heroku - HipChat - Imgix - Intercom - KeenIO - Lob - Loggly - MailChimp - Mapbox - Media Temple - Mixpanel - Netlify - New Relic - NPM - Packet - PagerDuty - Papertrail - Pingdom - Pivotal Tracker - PubNub - Pusher - Quandl - Quay - Reddit - Rollbar - RubyGems - Sauce Labs - Segment - SendGrid - Sentry - Slack - SmartyStreets - Snyk - Squarespace - Stream - TravisCI - Trello - Twilio - Typeform - Unsplash - Vimeo - Waffle.io - WeTransfer - Zapier - Zwift and more!