StatsCenter – Monitor Your System Stats

OS X 10.10
## LAUNCH SALE: 50% OFF LIMITED TIME ONLY ## StatsCenter is a fantastic and comprehensive tool for your Mac that lets you monitor real time system statistics. The app runs as a widget under the Today view tab of your Mac’s Notification Center. With StatsCenter, you get real time system stats (with full Retina support) for the following wide array of modules: System Performance - User and System Performance, displayed as percentages in a moving line graph Disk Usage - Total Disk Usage levels and how much space is free on your system Memory Usage - Color coded graphical display of App Memory, Wired, Compressed, Used, File Cache and Total Memory Network Activity - External IP, Local IP and Network In/Out information Battery Stats - Current Charge Level, Battery Age, Battery Health, Cycles Run, Current and Original Max Levels The app allows you to reorder the modules in any order you wish, and you can also choose to toggle on/off any of the modules that you desire to your preferences. Please email us with your suggestions and feedback via: