OS X 10.7
RANDOMLY GENERATED SPACE WALLPAPER & SCREEN SAVER "Simply beautiful star field for the iMac era" Enjoy a flight through randomly generated starscapes as your wallpaper or system screen saver. Mathematical functions will be executed directly on your graphics card to generate endless combinations of stunning star constellations and space nebulae in real-time! THE BEAUTY OF MATH Every pixel will be calculated based on different random and noise functions. Never get bored to see the same picture or video over and over again. Click on the Dock icon to randomize the current scene at any given time. HD SLIDESHOW MODE In slideshow mode, high definition images will be rendered in highest quality based on a configurable time interval. This mode also uses the least amount of system resources. Looks great as live wallpaper! HIGHLY CUSTOMIZABLE Adjust the render quality, the number of stars, animation speed, nebula frequency and music volume. SAVE AS SCREEN SAVER Not just a great desktop background, save Starscape as REAL system screen saver file! EASY ON YOUR CPU All graphic commands will be directly executed on your graphics card, which leaves your CPU free for more important tasks to work on. UNIQUE SOUNDTRACK Stellartux completes your Starscape experience with a wonderful ambient soundtrack. MULTI-SCREEN SUPPORT No need to search for great multi-screen themed backgrounds anymore. Enjoy procedurally generated starscapes on all of your screens! REQUIREMENTS - Good graphics card - OSX 10.8 Mountain Lion or later For any issues or questions: hi@coffeebreakstudios.com Please visit out our support page for more info, including a video and s​creenshot gallery. Enjoy! P.S.: We do realize that the scenes generated are not astronomical correct. On the other hand, space is big and it is up to our imagination how we fill in the blanks.