Group, manage and read your starred repositories on GitHub.
You might have a problem like that you want to find a repository from hundreds of your starred repositories on GitHub, and you forget the name, owner, and description of the repository. To find it, you need to traverse all of your starred repositories. This is very troublesome.
But by grouping your starred repositories, you can easily find it . The more detailed the group is, the easier it is to find it. This is the purpose of Starry.
In addition, Starry has the following features.
**Synchronize your groups**
Synchronize your groups to all your devices including iPhone and iPad through the coordinating app "Starry: Group Your Star" on iOS App Store.
**Language groups**
In addition to creating your groups manually, Starry automatically creates language groups based on the languages of repositories.
**Read repositories**
Handily read your starred repositories. In the Pro version, you can adjust the font size of repository document. This makes reading more comfortable.
**Cache documents and images**
Caching the documents and images of repositories makes it more convenient to read repositories.
**Manage repositories**
You can group starred repositories and unstar the repositories.
**Search repositories**
Search starred repositories via the name, owner, and description of repository.
**Sort repositories**
Sort starred repositories by the starred date, star count of repository, repository name and update date of repository.