StarMessage screensaver lite

OS X 10.8
StarMessage is a feature-rich Mac screensaver that shows the moon in its current moon phase, warns you about the upcoming full moon and new moon. It is a unique screen saver that lets you write messages that will be shown as twinkling stars on the night sky. No other program can do this for you. You can write your wishes, inspired quotes, your messages, your love quotes in the stars of the night sky. It contains hand picked famous quotes so you can read something inspiring each time the screensaver starts. This Mac screensaver can calm you by playing relaxing sounds of nature. You can also use the screensaver's power settings to prevent or delay the Mac from going to sleep mode, when you are in the middle of a long download or in another time consuming operation. A digital clock can fly around the screen if you need to stay alert of the current time. The screensaver is designed to do almost anything for you: Watch for a shooting star and make a wish on it. Visit our website to read more.