OS X 10.11
SSH Shell - login to your server with one click. Notable Features: - Switch between SSH sessions using swipe gestures with Trackpad or Magic Mouse - Can manage multiple ssh sessions for different servers - Automatically reconnect after disconnected by errors or waking up from sleep - Remember and autofill ssh login passwords in OS X keychain automatically - Able to manage private keys, and can remember / forget passphrases of private keys in keychain - Servers can be imported from / exported as JSON file - Integrated terminal is compatible with Terminal.app / xterm / iTerm2 SSH Functions: - Able to compress SSH connection - Support public-key, password, keyboard-interactive authentication methods - Support Google Authenticator and Authy for two-step verification - Support multi-factor authentication - Can deal with DSA, RSA, ECDSA, ed25519 private key types - RFC4716, PKCS#8 and PEM key formats are supported, compatible with OpenSSH SSH Shell support mail: shell@codinn.com