OS X 10.7
There are so many subtitle formats around the world. Even if just one format, there are standard and non-standard subtitle formats. How to convert all kinds of subtitle formats to other subtitle formats? How to make non-standard format standard? With SRT Converter, it’s super easy to do that. You don’t even need to know what format your subtitle file is. Just drop your subtitle file to SRT Converter and choose your target format and it’s done. It’s a super powerful Subtitle Conversion Hub. We support the following subtitle formats now. We are going to support as many formats as possible. Before you buy this app, you can email a sample file to helloliubin@gmail.com to check if it is supported. When you find your format is not supported, or the subtitle file is not working in SRT Converter, before you leave a negative review, please send email to us. We'll fix it as soon as possible. Thank you very much. You can even challenge us on subtitle converting by sending sample files to helloliubin@gmail.com. Any subtitle formats are welcome. Important notice: Don't try to convert Word, Excel files. Export Word, excel or other document to pure text file, then use SRT Converter to convert between different formats. Hundreds of subtitle formats supported. Please try any subtitle format. If it doesn't work, please send the email to helloliubin@gmail.com —SRT, Subrip --STL, EBU STL —STL, Spruce Subtitle File —SUB, Subviewer 1.0 & 2.0(Picture based SUB are NOT supported) —SSA, Sub Station Alpha —ASS, Advanced Sub Station Alpha —SCC, Scenarist closed captions —SMI, SAMI and SAMI Modern —TXT, Adobe Encore —SBV, YouTube SBV —TXT, YouTube Transcription —XML, YouTube Annotations —SUB, DVD Subtitles —VTT, WebVTT —TXT, Quicktime Text -MPL, Mplayer2 -ITT, Apple iTunes Timed Text ABC iView Adobe Encore Advanced Sub Station Alpha AQTitle Avid CapMaker Plus (*.cap, binary) Captionate Cavena890 (*.890, binary) Cheetah Caption (*.cap, binary) D-Cinema (Cinecanvas, both interop and smpte) Dvd Studio Pro Dvd Subtitle EBU Subtitling data exchange format (*.stl, binary) F4 (several variations) Flash xml Json (two variations, for use with JavaScript) MicroDvd MPlayer2 OpenDvt PAC (*.pac, binary) Pinnacle Impression QuickTime Text RealTime Text Scenarist Sony DVD Architect Sub Station Alpha SubViewer 1.0 SubViewer 2.0 Sami (*.smi) Son (*.son, import only) Subtitle Editor Project Timed Text 1.0 (*.xml), also know as TTML or DFXP Timed Text Draft (*.xml) TMPlayer TTXT TurboTitle Ulead Subtitle Format Ultech (*.cap, binary, only read) UTX WebVTT YouTube Annotations YouTube Sbv Zero G Xml Csv