Sprite Something

OS X 10.7
Sprite Something is a drawing, animation and tilemap application for pixel artists and game developers. Draw multiple frames individually, then quickly drag and drop frames into an animation, or use your frames to draw tilemaps for your game levels. Export your creations to PNG, animated GIF's and CSV files (tilemaps). Features - create spritesheets / tiles for use in games - edit frames individually and conveniently - multiple layers for drawing (spritesheets only) - animation: drag and drop animation frames - tilemaps: draw using frames to create large maps - iCloud: sync spritesheets, tilemaps, palettes across all your devices - GIF export: save gif previews of your animations - HSB/RGB color select - Recent colors/tiles - scalable preview to see your pixel work at multiple sizes - onion skinning for easy tracing or cloning frames - add custom GIMP color palettes, or create your own palettes - export individual frame images Sprite Something is also available as a universal app for iPad/iPhone/iPod Touch! Follow @mattfox12 on Twitter for latest news.