Generating high-quality Normal Maps for your 2D Sprite Characters has never been easier! You provide the original image and Sprite Bump will handle the rest. Sophisticated but easy to use Normal Map Generation Algorithms of Sprite Bump allow you to make stunning characters that look great under different lighting conditions of your 3D Engine.
Smart Surface - Smart Surface technology in Sprite Bump enables you to generate Normal Maps with astounding depth and 3D detail compared to existing competition. Generate characters with much greater depth and realism by simply flipping on the Smart Surface option.
Manual Sculpting via Painting - You can directly paint on top of your Normal Maps, allowing you to manually sculpt the surface to your liking. An assortment of painting tools and brushes are available: Direct Brush, Custom Texture Brush and Blur Brush.
Ambient Occlusion - Sprite Bump also generates Ambient Occlusion Maps for your characters. This allows the inclusion of beautiful, soft self-shadowing effects on your artwork when put into the Game Engine's shading pipeline.
Animation Preview - Sprite Bump works in conjunction with the Creature Animation Tool to provide a powerful Animation Preview feature. Load in your exported Creature Animation characters into Sprite Bump to preview your Normal Maps in action!
Record - Record Animation Preview into sprite images or a movie
Export Data - Exports Normal, Ambient Occlusion and Depth Maps
Works with all major Game Engines that support 3D Lighting Shaders.