Spotica Menu is an OSX menubar and Notification Center Widget that shows Spotify's currently playing track, album, album cover, etc. It also gives you access to common Spotify control functions (Play, Next, Previous, etc.). A number of custom configuration options are available.
- Shows the current track in the menu bar
- Shows the current album cover in the menu bar
- Shows the current track playing position in the menubar
- Shows the current track's cover image in the song information menu
- Control Spotify directly from your menu bar
- Customize the background/foreground colour of the Spotica Menu bar
- Bring Spotify to the front by clicking on the album cover
- Available in English and French
- More UI translations coming soon
- This application is only available as an OSX menu item. If you do not see it on your menu bar (to the right of Window/Help, etc), then it might be off the screen. Try an application (like Finder) with fewer menu items.
OSX 10.9+ required
Visit http://spoti.ca/menu for more details or email info@spoti.ca to send us comments.