Smart Disk Image Maker

OS X 10.6
Smart Disk Image Maker can help you create UDF/ISO/DMG/IMG/CDR/.sparseimage/.sparsebundle files.Backup your data to a PC and MAC, and make CD/DVD/Bluray discs. ===UDF Maker: (1)Create a .iso file based on Universal Disc Format, can be used to make CD/DVD/Bluray discs. (2)Support filesystem: UDF1.02, UDF1.50, UDF2.00, UDF2.01, UDF2.50, UDF2.60. ===ISO Maker: (1)Create a .iso file based on ISO9600Level2 filesystem, can be used to PC and make CD/DVD discs. (2)Support filesystem: ISO9600Level2, Joliet. ===DMG Maker: (1)Create a .dmg file, can be used to MAC OS and make CD/DVD/Bluray discs. (2)Support formats: UDRW, UDRO, UDCO, UDZO, UFBI, UDxx. ===IMG Maker: (1)Create a .img file. (2)Support filesystem: ISO9600Level2, Joliet, UDF1.02, UDF1.50. ===CDR Maker: (1)Create a .cdr file. (2)Support filesystem: ISO9600Level2, Joliet, UDF1.02, UDF1.50, HFS+. ===USDP maker: (1)Create a .sparseimage file. (2)Support filesystem: ISO9600Level2, Joliet, UDF1.02, UDF1.50, HFS+. ===UDSB maker: (1)Create a .sparsebundle file. (2)Support filesystem: ISO9600Level2, Joliet, UDF1.02, UDF1.50, HFS+. ===Cross-Platform maker: (1)Create a cross-platform .iso or .dmg file, can be used to MAC OS and PC and CD/DVD discs. (2)Support filesystem: ISO9600Level2, Joliet, UDF1.02, HFS+. (3)You can specify more than one file system to the .iso/.dmg file. ===DVD Video maker: (1)Create a .iso file, can be used to make DVD-Video discs. (2)Support filesystem: UDF1.02(DVD video standard). (3)Suppoer Video format: .mpg and .vob. If you have any question, please contact us: