With Sketcher For Photos have fun and create professional quality sketch software. Works as an Application and an Extension to Apple Photos...
In a few clicks you can achieve amazing effects and many variations!
• Turn easily your photos in a sketch
- read from multiple file format (JPEG, TIFF, BMP, PNG) and transform your photo in a nice sketch.
- apply a cleaner for a more 'sketchy' style.
• Edit your own sketch
- PreProcess Photo and clean for better rendering
- Change pen color
- Change pen size
- Reinforce the pen strength
• Customize the paper background
- More than 50 different paper backgrounds are available
- You can tile and repeat and create a background pattern
- Blend Sketch over any background...
- Adjust Opacity
• Fine tune with multiple options
- Adjust Brightness and contrast
- Add a custom border with color
- Bring back the original color for a cartoonish look
- Posterize
• Save your sketch in JPEG, TIFF, PNG, BMP, e mail or print directly
• It also works directly inside Apple Photos as an extension.