Simulator Assistant

OS X 10.10
Simulator Assistant is a tool for Xcode ® developers who use the iOS simulators. When testing with the simulators it is often helpful to gain access to the file system for a specific app installed on a specific simulator version. You may wish to view files saved by your app, or add data files for testing, or perhaps copy files between simulator versions. Simulator Assistant makes locating these files quick and easy. Because of the way these folders are stored on disk using UIDs it can be time consuming and difficult to locate the files for the specific app / simulator version manually. Simulator Assistant is a lightweight menu bar app that allows you to select an iOS version, simulator (device type) and displays a list of the apps installed on it. By double clicking an app the appropriate folder on disk is opened in Finder. You can also apply a filter, for example to show only apps matching your company bundle ID. Summary of features: ⁃Quick way to locate filing system for an iOS simulator on your Mac ⁃Filter by phrase to show only your own apps ⁃Optionally filter by iOS version ⁃Window can be positioned or docked against the menu bar ⁃Window can be pinned to keep it open and on top ⁃Settings are saved for convenience