OS X 10.10
Sigma is a powerful statistical software everyone can use. Analyze your data and plot it.More than 15 H-Test method,18 types of probability distribution. + Probability Distributions Normal, Chi Square, F, T, Uniform, Poisson, Geometric, Negative Binomial, Hypergeometric, Beta, Cauchy, Exponential, Gamma, LogNormal, Logistic, Wilcoxon, Weibull, Wilcoxon Rank Sum Statistic. + Plots - Scatter Plot - Line Plot - Radar Plot - Pie Plot - Bar Plot - Box Plot - Graph Plot - Normal And Chisquare Distribution Plot + Special Plots - Stem And Leaf - Pareto - Histogram - Facet Scatter - Facet Bar - Facet Line - Facet Pie - Facet Area - Jitter Point - Nightingale Rose - Bubble - Scatter Matrix + Hypothesis Tests - Normality Test (Anderson Darling, Jarque-Bera, Shapiro- Wilk) - One-Sample T Test - Two-Sample T Test - One-Sample Z Test - Chi-Square Test - Mann-Whitney U Test - One Sample Sign Test - One Variance - F(Var) Test - Binomial Test - Kolmogorov–Smirnov Test - One-Way ANOVA - Two-Way ANOVA - Levene Test - Bartlett Test - Flinger Test - Multiple Line Regression - Binary Logistic Regression - Correlation Matrix And Correlation Test(Pearson and Spearman) - Covariation Matrix - Two Sample Z Test - Two Proportion Z Test - Two Sample Sign Test + Control Charts - Xbar Chart - R Chart - S Chart - Xbar.One Chart - P Chart - NP Chart - U Chart - C Chart Online Help:http://www.tyevolution.com/nr.jsp?_np=0_315_17