Shark Bridge offers unlimited hands, duplicate bridge game, Daily Tournament with MP (%) scoring.
Boards with full auction and play review from International, North American and European competitions.
Internet is not required, except for Daily Tournaments and the Online Bridge Club.
Shark Bridge is the winner of 2014 and 2011 World Bridge Computer Championships.
You can email hands to your partner or other bridge friends for discussion as long as they have Shark or other App to open PBN/LIN files. Share the fun!
Shark Bridge features:
- Bidding systems : Standard American 5 card major( SAYC or Shark flavour), 2/1 Game Force, Std English Acol (in development) bidding systems.
- Duplicate bridge game.
- Bridge tournament boards.
- Play Bridge offline ( no Internet ) or live on the Internet with your friends and foes.
- Never wait for a bridge table to fill in, our high quality robot will play bridge when needed.
- Hints and auction analysis are available at any time. Ask the Shark Bridge and it will help.
- Special hints when declarer is on the lead to a trick, Shark will suggest a play strategy.
- Open PBN (Portable Bridge Notation) and LIN ( VU-Graph) files from your email.
- Choose from regular and 4-colour card decks.
Bridge Enthusiast In-App purchase ($19.99) upgrade offers:
- Play unlimited number of random deals.
- 9 WBF,ACBL and European bridge tournaments from 2014,2013,2011.
- Save deals to your Personal Deal Library.
- Email bridge hands from your Personal Deal Library.
- Basic Online Bridge Play : create, join and kibitz at any table.
- Deal Analysis.
- One year free VIP subscription.
VIP subscription ($24.99/year) unlocks additional features and services:
- Daily tournament with 16 boards, compare your skill with the rest of our VIP members. Study the deals from any past tournament.
- 32 WBF, ACBL and European bridge tournaments from recent years including 2016. More are in the works.
- VIP online play : manage friends, block players, invite players.
- Par Contract Calculator.
- Personal Deal Library : all saved deals are instantly available to all of your devices .
- Advanced Deal Generator.
- Highest priority for feature requests.
Bridge Bidding Systems : Standard American 5 card major( SAYC or Shark flavour) and 2/1 Game Force bidding systems, more are in the works.
Each bridge system includes most popular conventions and can be further customized with :
1NT / 2NT range and hand distribution options
Gambling 3NT or strong 25+ HCP 3NT
Jacoby and Texas Transfers
Weak two Spades, Hearts, Diamonds
Strong 2 Clubs
4 versions of Blackwood: 4 Aces, 5 Aces, RKC or RKC 1430
Jacoby 2NT
Sandwich 2NT
Two-way new minor forcing (XY-NT)
Leaping Michaels
Michaels Cue Bid
Maximum Overcall Double
Negative Doubles
Takeout Doubles
Responsive Doubles
Splinter Bids
Unusual 2NT
Multi Landi
In 2009 and 2010 Shark won the individual event at the World Computer Bridge Championships
In 2014 Shark defeated B Baron 25, MicroBridge, WBridge5 and Robo Bridge
In 2011 Shark defeated B Baron 22, MicroBridge, WBridge5, QPlus Bridge, and Robo Bridge
Shark play bridge engine was designed and programmed by John Norris, an international bridge master and Danish Bridge Champion.
Shark robot is the most human like playing robot, it has been tested against professional players and proved to be a worthy opponent.