OS X 10.7
SenGram Maker is an OSX app for generating SenGram puzzles in the *.SGM file format. (SenGram is an iPhone and iPad app available on iTunes, which allows users to solve 'sentence diagram' puzzles). SenGram Maker is particularly suitable for teachers who are instructing a class of students who have access to iPads with SenGram installed. Further, if the class is an advanced class, students may wish to use SenGram Maker to prepare their own SenGram puzzles for other students to complete using SenGram. A video demonstrating the operation of SenGram Maker is at: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=JTt0sn_nyuk&feature=plcp Once you prepare a SenGram puzzle using SenGram Maker, you can either email it to anyone who has SenGram installed, or save it at a location (e..g a Dropbox directory, by way of example) from which files can be retrieved by users of SenGram. If you operate your own website, this would be a great location to which you might save SGM files for others to download and solve using SenGram. This is the first release of SenGram maker, and we look forward to your comments (please email us at info@soferio.com). In particular, if you create a website with SenGram puzzles on it, please let us know so we can provide a link to it from our website!