A basic photo application which allows for zooming, panning, and framing of both image preview and capture from IP cameras supporting Http Live Streaming (HLS). This app mimics many of the features provided by the MacOS version 'SCSnapShot' for USB and built-in cameras.
Important: All connections to cameras are currently made using http. Camera passwords are saved as unencrypted text in Core Data. Therefore, this app is currently designed to be used within a properly secured and trusted local area network. Future versions will adopt methods more suitable for use over the Internet where privacy and security is a must.
Knowledge of URL(s) for one or more HLS compliant IP cameras connected to your local area network is required when utilizing the 'HLS Sources' dialog (lower left-hand button on primary interface - the pencil) to configure connection(s). Currently a web search is required to determine an http URL for a given make and model of IP camera - a list will be built in the future to provide the most common URLs for various popular cameras - this list will eventually be posted at the SpenceCore.com website. Note, not all IP cameras support HLS - in the future support for the RTSP protocol will be incorporated, thus adding support for those cameras that don't support HLS.
Image is cropped to the framed area when saved, when the frame is present. Zooming is not limited to the center of the camera preview; especially useful when the camera is mounted or attached to a tripod. Use both the mouse wheel and/or the magnification (pinch) gesture for zooming in and out.
Use the (long) press gesture to initiate a drag operation to frame the image free-hand. Alternatively, select one of the standard frame sizes from the dropdown. The frame is optionally adjustable when displayed. Click the crop/erase button to add or remove the frame at any time. Use the best-fit button to reset the image whether framed or not. Finally, there are options which allow or disallow the panning, zooming, framing, and adjusting of the image and frame.
Both the camera preview and captured image can be rotated in the four primary orientations; 0, 90, 180, and 270. This gives greater freedom in placing or mounting of cameras, as it is easy to obtain a right-side up image.
The application fully saves and restores the state of each camera connected, including the rotation, pan, zoom, and frame. This makes scanning though multiple cameras simple. State information is restored between sessions.
This application simply accesses a given IP camera's HLS image stream. To configure and manipulate camera settings or access any other camera hardware features you must use either the manufacturer's software or third-party software providing similar functionality. Setting IP addresses, configuring authentication, and using advanced features of a given camera cannot be achieved via this application. The pan, zoom, frame, and rotation features of this application are purely achieved through image manipulation via software.
The D-Link DCS-933L IP camera is currently being used for testing.