Screen Recorder Robot Lite

OS X 10.10
Screen Recorder Robot Lite is a powerful screen record app. It can screenshot and support edit it. It can screen record and support edit the video. Select Area • Auto-identify windows, menus etc • Magnifying glass help you accurate select area • Magnifying glass will show the color of the mouse location, you can put the color to clipboard by "command+c" • It will show the select area info, include location, width, height etc. You can use it as a ruler • You can adjust the area after selected • You can cancel select by Press ‘esc’ Screen Record • You can capture mouse cursor or not • You can capture mouse clicks or not • You can mute audio or not • You can select frame rate from 1 to 30 • You can select session preset 1280x720, 960x540 etc Recorded Video Edit • Support trim, crop, rotate the video • It can make some video files to be one • You can add a new audio to the video • You can remove the video’s audio • You can adjust the play speed • Support undo and redo • You can use it to play the video ScreenShot • You can save image as png, jpg, bmp, tiff etc ScreenShot Image Edit • Support draw text, mosaics, blur(Gaussian blur), rectangle, circle, arrow etc • Support change the graph color, adjust the graph size, adjust the graph line width etc • Support opacity • Support undo and redo Start Login • You can select start login or not Shortcuts • You can capture or screenshot by shortcuts at any time and any where, you don’t need to switch to the app Support Multiple Screens Support Retina