OS X 10.6
This is an Intel 8008 emulator with the I/O capabilities and front panel controls of a SCELBI computer. The SCELBI (SCientic-ELectronics-Biology) was the first commercially available micro-computer marketed toward hobbyist. It was first advertised in the March 1974 issue of QST magazine. This application supports emulation of both the SCELBI 8H and the follow on SCELBI 8B, along with TTY, oscilloscope/keyboard and cassette interfaces. The SCELBI-8B supported an 8008 development environment called MEA(monitor/editor/assembler). MEA was optionally included on a PROM board of the later SCELBI 8B. You can run MEA and build and run 8008 programs, exactly as if you had a real SCELBI-8B computer. The emulator emulates a 500 KHz 8008 which executes about 30,000 instructions per second. Memory options include 4K or 16K memory space, with an option for replacing the last 4K of the 16K memory option with the MEA PROM board. The emulated cassette interface reads and writes sound files that can be also be read by a real SCELBI Cassette interface. The emulated TTY interface supports the carriage control features of a real TTY. The emulated oscilloscope interface, replicates an alternate user interface that uses a oscilloscope and keyboard combination as a terminal. The MEA software development environment can be configured with a simple menu selection to use the TTY or the oscilloscope interface. Try out this emulator and discover what the world of home computing was really like in the mid 1970s.