Scale Detector For 16PAD

OS X 10.7
Scale Detector For 16PAD is an app intended for the16pad built into a musical instrument. Scale Detector For 16PAD is really helpful when you play the bass and melody using 16pad. Set a scale and a root pad from each pup up button. Then the scale is displayed on the screen. White pads are the sound of the scale. Scale list 1 Major 2 Minor 3 Harmonic Minor 4 Melodic Minor 5 Pentatonic Major 6 Pentatonic Minor 7 Pentatonic Neutral 8 Pentatonic Blues 9 Whole-Half Diminished 10 Half-Whole Diminished 11 Augmented 12 lonian 13 Dorian 14 Phrygain 15 Lydian 16 Lydian Minor 17 Lydian Diminished 18 Lydian Dominant 19 Lydian Augmented 20 Mixolydian 21 Aeolian 22 Locrian 23 Locrian natural 2nd 24 Ultra Locrian 25 Major Locrian 26 Altered 27 Chromatic 28 Double Harmonic 29 Leading Whole Tone 30 Six Tone Symmetrical 31 Nine Tone 32 Neapolitan Major 33 Neapolian Minor 34 Eigth Tone Spanish 35 Spanish Gypsy 36 Enigmatic 37 Prometheus 38 Prometheus Neapolitan 39 Romanian Minor 40 Persian 41 Hindu 42 Oriental 43 Ethiopian 44 Egyptian 45 Hungarian Major 46 Hungarian Major 47 Balinese 48 Chinese 49 Akebono I 50 Akebono II 51 Iwato 52 Hirajoshi 53 In Sen