Salt is a new kind of web builder that speeds up production of webpages. Salt splits webpages into text content and interface. A single Salt file holds the texts content of a whole website, the interface part comes from html template files on disk. Because of this split it is quite easy to change a whole website interface design with Salt in just a few minutes.
The template system used in Salt is very different from iWeb, Rapidweaver, etc, in the way that it only comes into play when webpages are exported. Salt is not a design tool of web page interface, rather it uses pre designed pages and builds on them.
Salt template system
Salt templates are html files. Markers or tags, as they are called, are placed in the html template and at page export they are exchanged with the appropriate text from a Salt file. Salt has several default tags that can be used in templates as well as the option of creating custom tags.
With large amounts of text is is simple and fast to publish with Salt. If you have huge amounts of text data that needs to go online, Salt is the ideal tool for the job.
Automatic main and breadcrumbs menus
Salt can make main menus automatically by placing the [mainMenu] tag in a html template. The main menu consist of links to all the pages that are considered root categories i.e. pages that are at the first column in the Salt browser.
A breadcrumbs menu can also be produced automatically by using the [navigationHeaderMenu] tag in a template. The effect is a menu that shows the navigation drill down in any given webpage.
Automatic xml site map generation
Salt automatically structures xml site maps ready to submit to search engines.
Salt features list
Salt is a self-contained database.
Automatic main menu creation.
Automatic xml site map creation.
CSS support.
Keyword/phrase driven page creation / create pages from a list of topics.
Automated linking of text content in different html files.
Open-ended template system.
Export from any tree-node to a new Salt file.
Import to any tree-node from a Salt file.
Supports all languages in UTF-8.
Filenames are optimized for search engines