The official Safecast app brings our extensive dataset of radiation measurements to your Mac, and provides a powerful and fast way to visualize and update Safecast data.
In addition to the full Safecast dataset, you can browse data from a variety of sources including:
• The US Department of Energy / NNSA
• USGS and Canadian Geological Survey
This data includes extensive post-Fukushima surveys of Japan, aerial surveys of almost the entire North American continent and other global data. Specialized databases include distribution of Cesium isotopes in Japan, and naturally occurring uranium concentrations in the US.
Visualization tools allow you to change map backgrounds and coloring to enhance contrast between measurements allowing you to create customized views and see best how natural and man-made sources of radioactivity vary around you.
Other capabilities:
• Query Reticle Tool: Display the exact numeric value of measurements.
• Custom Layers: Mix and match individual layers to create custom comparisons.
• Realtime IDW Interpolation: Quickly visualize predicted values in areas that were not measured without spending hours (or days) running GIS interpolation scripts.
• High Performance: Super-fast SIMD vectorized multithreaded code renders data almost instantly.
• Offline Functionality: 100% of data available offline. (note: this does not extend to basemaps)
• On-Demand Updates: Download and update the Safecast dataset on-demand.
• PNG Tile Export: Export standard PNG tiles for a web map quickly and easily. In fact, the Safecast webmap is created and updated by this app, running as an automated job.
About Safecast:
• Safecast is a global sensor network for collecting and sharing radiation measurements to empower people with data about their environments.
• To contribute measurement data to Safecast, create a free account at http://api.safecast.org