RVCare Log Book

OS X 10.7
RVCare Log Book is a Relationship Database Application to record maintenance, repairs, and upgrades on your recreational and other vehicles. Keeping accurate and complete records will provide information for scheduling preventive maintenance (PM) and a history of work done on your vehicles. There are records for: •Component: Vehicle name, component name, brand, manufacturer, description, PM requirements, documents links, components pictures, and cost summary. •Vendor: Name, address, phones, web URL, email address, contact, and summary of money spent with vendor. •Service: Vehicle name, component, problem, service by, solution, dates, links to documentation, cost, and pictures. •Vehicles: Vehicle name, make and model, VIN, registration information, Insurance Information, picture of vehicle, owner information and summary of money spent on vehicle. •Vehicle fuel: Location, method of payment, date, gallons and cost. APU, generator, use off set information. Helper for gallon to liter conversion. •LP fuel: Location, method of payment, date, gallons and cost. Month-year summary report. •Vehicle/Tow Trip Log: Date, Start and Ending Locations, Towing Vehicle, Towed Vehicle, Start and Ending Odometer, Miles, Start and Ending Times, Hours, Total Hours and Total Miles. •Records for Tires, with tire pressure. Reminder to replace, base on age •List of Components due PM, calculated from data in the Component and relative Service records. •Service Order list •Service Order Completion Report. •To Do List. •Inventory List with categories and location tables. •Notes: Notes with photos. •Vehicle Weight for Motor Home, Fifth Wheel and Travel Trailer. •Fuses. •Camping and campground information. Visit Developer site for additional screenshots.