The easiest and coolest Click'n'Run way to test your Node.js scripts!
== Spinoff of the popular Peppermint editor ==
- Click'n'Run instantly in the built-in console (user input enabled!)
- Beautiful editor
- 2 themes supported (bright and dark)
- Syntax Highlighting
- Autocompletion + Snippets for easier coding
- Advanced editing: Multiple cursors, incremental search, bracket matching, intelligent auto-indent + more!
- New/Open/Save basic functionalities
- Customiseable: Line Gutter, Print Margin, Indentation Guides, Invisible Chars, Tab Size, Soft tabs (spaces vs real tabs), Word wrap (wrap limit)
This little tool will help you with almost all of your everyday coding needs in Node.js.
However, if you still need more power, a great customiseable editor/IDE with lots of plugins and extensibility, then have a look at our Swiss Army Knife for coding on your Mac: Peppermint!
Looking forward for your feedback. Please, don't hesitate to contact us!
We'll be more than happy to hear you!