The RPNcalc 12c is a full featured financial and business RPN calculator.
All Features: at a glance:
• Display:
∙ Fixed number format
∙ Scientific number format
∙ Status annunciators
• Math:
∙ +, -, ×, ÷, %, 1/x, root, x^y, ln, e, ...and many more
∙ Integer truncation
∙ % change
• Statistical:
∙ Mean standard deviation of 2 variables
∙ Summation
∙ Linear regression
∙ Correlation coefficient
∙ Factorial
• Time Value of Money:
∙ Number of payments
∙ Interest rate
∙ Present Value
∙ Payment
∙ Future Value
• Cash Flow Analysis:
∙ Net present value
∙ Internal rate of return
• Amortization:
∙ Accumulated Interest
∙ Balance
• Depreciation:
∙ Straight line
∙ Sum of the years digits
∙ Declining balance
• Bonds and calendar functions:
∙ Bond price
∙ Bond yield
∙ Date arithmetic / calendar functions
About RPN:
The Reverse Polish Notation is a mathematical notation in which operators follow their operands. It does not need any parentheses as long as each operator has a fixed number of operands.