RPNcalc 11c – Scientific RPN calculator

OS X 10.10
The RPNcalc 11 is a full featured scientific RPN calculator. All Features: at a glance: • Display & Keyboard: ∙ Fixed number format ∙ Scientific number format ∙ Engineering number format ∙ Backspace • Math: ∙ +, -, ×, ÷, %, 1/x, root, x^y, pi, ln, log, e, ...and many more ∙ Integer truncation and absolute value ∙ Trigonometric and inverse trigonometric functions ∙ Hyperbolic and inverse hyperbolic trigonometric functions ∙ Trigonometric modes (degrees, radians, grads) ∙ % change • Statistical: ∙ Mean standard deviation of 2 variables ∙ Summation ∙ Random number generator ∙ Linear regression ∙ Correlation coefficient ∙ Factorial ∙ Gamma ∙ Combinations and permutations • Scientific and Time: ∙ Polar and rectangular conversions ∙ Decimal hrs / hrs.min.sec. conversions About RPN: The Reverse Polish Notation is a mathematical notation in which operators follow their operands. It does not need any parentheses as long as each operator has a fixed number of operands.