OS X 10.9.0
Rocket.Chat is a Web Chat Server, developed in JavaScript, using the Meteor full-stack framework. It is a great solution for communities and companies wanting to privately host their own chat service or for developers looking forward to build and evolve their own chat platforms. With Rocket.Chat, you can send group message, send 1:1 message, share files, integrate with your favorite products, and more! KEY FEATURES: * Free Open Source Software * Hassle free MIT license * BYOS (bring your own server) * Multiple Rooms * Direct Messages * Private Groups * Public Channels * Desktop and Mobile Notifications * Edit and Delete Sent Messages * Mentions * Avatars * Markdown * Emojis * Transcripts / History * File Upload / Sharing * I18n - [Internationalization with Lingohub] * Hubot Friendly - [Hubot Integration Project] * Media Embeds * Link Previews * LDAP Authentication * REST-full APIs * Remote Locations Video Monitoring * Native Cross-Platform Desktop Application NEWS: Featured on: Hacker News, Product Hunt, JavaScript Weekly, WWWhatsNew, ClasesDePeriodismo GET IT NOW: * Check out at https://rocket.chat * ONE-CLICK-DEPLOYMENT – See instruction on our GitHub repository