Now book Uber rides directly from your Menubar! With the estimated time of the closest Uber always available on your Menubar without opening the app.
You can book an Uber from all your devices, now riding with Uber is even more seamless!
Key features:
- Time to get an Uber is always displayed in the Menubar
- Complete Uber experience with Login/Sign Up, View Profile, Book, Confirm, Ride and receipt
- Get the fixed price estimate of your ride
- Pay for your ride by cash, credit card or other mobile wallets
Your Uber ride booked through Rider can also be further managed from the Uber app on your smartphone with the same account. (Not compulsory)
For a new user, sign up and then head back and sign in. Select destination, select your Uber and confirm the booking.
See if Uber is available in your city at https://www.uber.com/cities
Developed using the official Uber API. UBER is a trademark of Uber Technologies, Inc.
Known issue: Unable to login through Facebook.
Email ID & phone number works perfectly.
For support: shashwat@emberify.com