RegEx Extractor

OS X 10.7
Extract, harvest and parse everything simply ! IMPORTANT : Just a note for people who give a bad rate. RegEx Extractor works perfectly ! I use it every day myself. If it doesn't work, it's because your regular expression is wrong or because nothing match. Stop giving a bad rate because you don't know how to use it ! Also, there is a email support where you can contact me ; I'll help you. Stop being stupid. Thanks :) Just insert one regular expression and URLs as target, then start process. A library of regex samples (and with examples) is included. If you need help to create the correct regular expressions, feel free to check the support page. Here is few examples of what you can extract : • Emails • Proxies • Phone numbers • Addresses • Zipcodes • Search engines results • Twitter usernames • URLs • HTML tags • XML tags • And more… No limits :)