Readable PDF is a text to speech program that read out loud content of PDF files, and an assistant that keeps track of your reading progress. App comes with many features focused on helping you read more. It produces natural sounding synthesized text from PDF files. Spoken word is highlighted to help you follow along, auto scrolling option to centers your attention on reading words and many more features as described below.
-Unlimited text-to-speech conversion
-Highlighting spoken word to improve comprehension and retention
-Skip text in PDF header and footer
-Available over 36 built-in macOS voices in 40 different languages
-Ability to adjust speaking rate
-Start reading at any place within loaded PDF by selecting starting location
-Auto-scrolling feature to help reader follow along
-Thumbnails feature to easily navigate your PDF file
-Option to save quickly your progress
-Option to easily load saved file and progress
-Full screen feature to help reader focus on content
-Create sound (AIFF) file
-Generate narration for your YouTube movies
-Create eLearning material
*Note: Encrypted or protected PDFs are not supported.