Reactive makes balancing chemical equations and solving stoichiometry problems unbelievably quick and easy!
Simply enter an unbalanced chemical equation into Reactive, and it will instantly and automatically generate a balanced version. In addition to displaying the balanced equation with professional-grade formatting, Reactive helps you understand the reaction at a glance, with convenient pie charts visualizing the ratios between reactants and products.
Once Reactive finds a balanced equation, putting the equation to use is easy, with Reactive's integrated stoichiometry calculator; simply enter the mass or moles of any reactant or product in the chemical reaction, and Reactive will automatically fill in the masses and moles of every other reactant and product in the appropriate ratios.
- Instantly balance chemical equations
- Display balanced equations with beautiful professional-grade formatting
- Easily visualize reaction ratios
- Integrated stoichiometry calculator: find masses and moles of reactants and products easily, automatically taking into account molar mass and coefficients
Highly configurable:
- Customize units
- Customize equation formatting
- Toggle scientific notation
- Visualize either mass ratios or quantity ratios