Attention: In order to get fast and smooth picture browsing, this app is NOT designed to work with your iPhoto library. Please do not lower rate it because of this feature, thank you!
quickWallpaper can change your desktop background in one simple click. It can also allow you to quickly switch between 16 different desktops spaces and set desktop wallpaper for them seperately.
quickWallpaper will brighten up your mac, and makes changing your desktop picture an absolute delight.
Let the wallpaper match your mood!
- mouse over control to invoke interface
- your choice: transparent or traditional interface. Switch between them instantaneously.
- tremendously fast scrolling preview that allows quick browsing through hundreds of your pictures.
- supports both the system default wallpaper folder as well as picture folders of your choice.
- simple process for adding picture folders - browsable instantly.
- one simple click switches between up to 16 desktops.
- set a different wallpaper for each desktop.
- exists and display in front of other apps in every desktop space.
- support all picture format and even PDF as wallpaper
- support drag and move picture from picture preview (hold down option key for drag and copy)
version history:
v1.50 -> v2.00
a very important upgrade!
- hide dock icon option added according to user's feature request
- add option of 'Close Interface Automatically'
- add menu of 'Close Interface'
- new tips added related to 'Close Interface Automatically'
- more detailed feature request email templet
- updated more by dragonBTV panel
v2.00 -> v2.02
- add option "open menu by mouse over" to make "mouse over" function switchable
- add option "Change Menu Icon Color Instantly"
v2.02 -> v2.05
- two status menu icons changed
- more by dragonBTV panel updated
v2.05 -> v2.08
add feature according to user's request
- add menu item: Refresh Pictures
- menu item name changed: Locate Desktop Pictures Directory
- Tips of "mouse over control":
quickWallpaper use "mouse over control" to active desktop pictures preview menu, that means you do not need to click the icon, you merely have to hover your mouse pointer over it, the menu will popup automatically. similarly, when your mouse pointer move away from the control pad, it will be automatically dismissed too.
- Tips of "switch between Spaces buttons":
Not only OS X10.7 Lion but also OS X10.6 Snow Leopard support 'Spaces' bring you more grouped working desktop space.
quickWallpaper has two arrow buttons helping you quickly switch between your spaces in one click. To make it work properly for you, please check and adjust your System Preferences first.
- Tips of new v2.00 quickWallpaper:
Thank you for using quickWallpaper!
In this new version of quickWallpaper v2.00, we added two new options. Besides of the option 'Hide Dock Icon' that many user requested, another feature 'Close Interface Automatically' is focused on ease of usage.
As you know, quickWallpaper use 'mouse over' method to open and close the wallpaper browsing panel. Some users reported the panel could be occasionally closed because of mouse pointer moved out from the panel during their quick mouse scrolling action.
'Close Interface Automatically' option will be helpful to those users. By default, 'Close Interface Automatically' is unchecked, that means you have to close the wallpaper browsing interface panel by clicking the 'Close Interface' menu manually. Otherwise, if you prefer the convenient that 'mouse over' bring to you, please make the 'Close Interface Automatically' selected, the app will automatically close your wallpaper browsing panel 0.5 seconds after your mouse pointer moved away from it.
Again, Thank you for using dragonBTV's Apps!
Please click 'feature request' to ask for more options.
Los Angeles, California