QuickBudget - The Simple Menubar Monthly Budget Calculator, is easy home-budgeting software. QuickBudget helps keep track of your monthly finances by organizing your income and expenses.
Plan your monthly and yearly budget with ease. If you are living on a budget or manually creating your own budget list, QuickBudget will help you with your monthly household budget, or business budget.
-Stays out of your way.
-Access from all spaces.
-Just a click away.
-Easily manage your monthly budget.
-Quickly add, edit and delete monthly income and expense data.
-Track your expenses and income streams.
-Export data to CSV for importing into your app of choice.
-Export Income & Expense data to PDF format.
-Export Yearly Budget bar chart to PDF format.
-QuickBudget, automatically calculates all totals for you giving you monthly and yearly totals all within a quick glance.
-The color-coded bar chart, auto-populates with data, to visually overview your finances.
Good For:
-Monthly Budgeting
-Household Budget
-Yearly Budget Planner
-Business Budgeting
-Financial Planning
-Small Business Owners.
-Wedding Planners.
-Logo Designers.
-Graphic Designers.
-Web Designers.
-Web Developers.
-Site Administrators.
-SEO Consultants.
-Internet Marketers.