QuarkXPress Updater

OS X / PPC 32 / Intel 32
$ 0.00
About the QuarkXPress Updater 6.5.2: Intel-based Mac OS X only: QuarkXPress software that was installed using a Quark® License Administrator (QLA) validation code stopped responding when you closed the application. This issue has been resolved. Mac OS X only: If you made an extension of Script XTensions software, a runtime error occurred when you ran the script. This issue has been resolved. User Boxes XTensions software increased the project file size significantly. This issue has been resolved. The following message displayed when you attempted to apply clipping to a transparent grayscale TIFF: "This shape contains too many points. [81]". This issue has been resolved. Mac OS X only: QuarkXPress quit unexpectedly when you double-clicked a library that was saved on a mounted drive. This issue has been resolved. GetPageName XTensions software returned an incorrect page name when you modified section properties. This issue has been resolved. Using the "Create missing pages" feature of Future Proof Beacon XTensions software caused QuarkXPress to quit unexpectedly. This issue has been resolved. If Script XTensions software affected Apple® event objects, Script XTensions software failed to process. This issue has been resolved.