QR Code Generator

OS X 10.7
What is QR Code? The Quick Response code, or more commonly known as QR code, is a two dimensional array code that has a large number of advantages over any other form of codes. Well, for starters, the QR codes can be updated over time, which means that they can be used in almost any industry for the purpose of tracking progress or activity logging. The utility of the QR code is very diverse. It can be used in updating personal relevant data, or updating daily accounts information or even store bulk information for suitable restoration. Moreover, there is no encryption involved as QR codes are internationally standardised and have tremendous applications to read them. QR Code Generator is loaded with features and can generate codes for the following: - Browse to a Website - Bookmark a Website - Make a Phone Call - Send SMS - Send E-Mail - Create a vCard - Create a meCard - Create a vCalendar Event - Google Maps Location - Bing Maps Location - Geographical Coordinates - Android Market search - Youtube URL for iPhone - Encode Latest Tweets for a User - Send Tweet on Twitter - Link to Twitter Profile Image - Blackberry Messenger PIN - Wifi Network (for Android) - Free Formatted Text You can also adjust some settings for the QR Code like: - QR Code Size Adjustment - QR Code Background Colour Adjustment - QR Code foreground Colour Adjustment - QR Code Padding Adjustment - Export as EPS, HTML, PNG, GIF & JPEG - Error Correction Level The codes are currently used in various fields like Advertising, Banners, billboards, literature, product information, parts assembly of industrial goods, in engineering assembly lines (especially automated assembly lines) and many other diverse applications. The QR coding technology has been a hot topic of discussion over the past year, but the technology in itself is not very new. to know more about using the QR Codes and some examples of how people are using it please visit our website http://simplyhire.me