Punch Alert is the first universal safety communication platform. It is the only application that allows you to report emergencies, help requests, and safety tips to the nearest responders on campus or in the community.
Now use the iOS app to join the PAL Community to connect with other members in your area. PAL stands for Punch Alert Local, and is a free opt-in community within Punch Alert. By joining PAL, you agree to be part of a public network of users committed to helping one another. Post safety tips or request help from the other PALs in your immediate vicinity. Join the safety movement and make a difference in your community today.
Punch Alert is the one simple way to be protected and connected anywhere you go. The iOS app enables the following benefits:
• Press panic button to instantly and silently alert authorities and on-site responders (in Punch protected areas)
• Join PAL to view and post safety tips (blue button), and give or get help to other PALs nearby (red button).
• Receive emergency alerts and help requests.
• Send and receive safety announcements from your school, business, town, or other organization.
• Generate a pre-written text message to 911 including the user’s full name, current location, phone number and a request for help (where the Text-to-911 service is available).
• Monitor real-time location of everyone on campus in the event of an emergency (as a designated responder)
• Upload and share pictures, videos, recordings, and other information regarding the situation.
• Deliver mass updates and instructions to organizational groups or community members.
• Send announcements to specific user groups within the organization.
• Pinpoint indoor location with inexpensive blue-tooth beacon installations (iBeacon / Blue-tooth low-energy).
• Leverage existing smart-phone and tablet devices to improve the safety and security of our communities.
• And much, much, more
The Mac application enables the following benefits:
• Press panic button to instantly and silently alert authorities and on-site responders (in Punch protected areas)
• Receive emergency alerts and help requests.
• Allows for desktop notification when an event occurs.
If you would like to use this application within your organization, an administrator will need to setup your account on PunchAlert.com. If you would like to inquire into this quick and easy set-up process, please contact us at contact@punchalert.com. Individual users can download and use Punch Alert to join PAL, and report emergencies to 911 via a phone call or text message (where the service is available and depending on the carrier).
Notes: Some features of Punch Alert require a data connection either through WiFi or a cellular network. During an emergency incident, continued use of GPS running in the background can decrease battery life. Even in areas where Text-to-911 is available, it is not a substitute for calling 911 in the event of an emergency. All consumers should make a voice call to contact 911 during an emergency when possible.
Text-to-911 Coverage Areas - The most recent list of supported counties can always be found on the FCC website (http://transition.fcc.gov/pshs/911/Text911PSAP/Text_911_MasterPSAPRegistry_082715.xlsx) and on our website (https://www.punchalert.com/Text-to-911).