Public Libraries UK

OS X 10.13
Public Libraries UK is an emailing list tool that allows users to swiftly locate the contact details for any library in the United Kingdom. The user can search for the required library either from the expandable contents list or by using the search form. Once a library is identified the user can then email the library directly from Public Libraries UK or add the library's details to the user's contacts. Alternatively, the user can select multiple libraries from the search screen which can then be stored as email lists using the Email List manager. Email lists can be created, edited and deleted. Libraries can be listed either by Library Service or alphabetically by Branch. The library details include the postal address, email, telephone and website where available. Public Libraries UK is comprised of the following components: • Libraries - shows the contact details of the libraries in the UK, along with their email, telephone and website addresses. • Search - allows the user to search all libraries by Library Service, Branch, Town and City, and Postcode. • Email List manager - allows the user to create, edit and delete email lists of selected libraries. Emails may be sent as "To" or as "Bcc" depending on the user's preference. • Contacts - allows the user to add one or more selected libraries' details to contacts. • Preferences - allows the user to specify preferences for open windows, email options and list and display options. • Glossary - extensive glossary of library terms.