OS X 10.10
Proud 1 year anniversary! 80% off price limited time offer! Take back control over your time, productivity and success with Proud. It's a big challenge nowadays to manage ourselves. Productivity systems and planners don't work anymore, they are completely outdated. We need something fresh, connected to the viral, high intensity reality that we all live in.  Introducing Proud If you want to be more productive, control your time better and maximize your potential for success, Proud is an app for you. From lists, reminders and timers to useful superpowers like: “Give me more time”, “De-stress” or “Travel back in time”. When an idea or a thought comes to your mind or you know you will have to accomplish something soon, store these thoughts safely, break them down into chunks that are smaller and easier to complete, and increase your chance of success in any area of your life! Organize your days with one-click reminders and add habits to make you systematic and unbeatable. CESAwards Best User Experience Nominee! Why will I feel the difference? It shouldn't be about the look, it should be about something much deeper. Indeed. We redefined the concept of time for you. "I need to do laundry in the evening." They don't contain the exact hour, do they? When you finish typing "Laundry" and hit Return, Proud will ask you in which part of the day you want to do that task: afternoon or evening? Simplicity and power of 3 tabs. You don't have time to learn a new app, do you? We tried our best to make the simplest app while making sure it will be powerful enough to drive positive change in your life. How will I be more productive? It may sound counter-intuitive but the secret is easy: you have to take breaks. Work for 50 minutes and relax for the next 10. This is known as the Pomodoro Technique, and it guarantees your mind will never get into the low-energy mode with you getting distracted and losing your motivation to work. Find a fully customizable timer inside Proud for iPhone and Apple Watch and know when to take a break and go back to work. Superpowers, seriously? Do you sometimes feel you want all your tasks to disappear for a day to give you a day off? Or do you feel your heart beating faster during stressful situations in your life and you wished someone could calm you down? We have all been in such situations when we wished we could have a simple button that could handle all of that. Well, guess what? You have those buttons in Proud. Use them wisely! My own Proud. We know you may not like blue or orange. We know you may have tinted your nails with a pink color. We thought about Proud’s look and aesthetics very seriously. We wanted to show your ideas, your thoughts, your tasks and your favorite colors, without any unnecessary distractions. Full list of features: - El Captain ready! - Split-Screen - Gesture-based, uncluttered interface so you perform your actions faster - Simple deferring: “Evening” instead of 7PM - Habits so you stop forgetting about important stuff! - Dropbox sync so you can be productive across all your Mac and iOS devices - Focus/Relax timer to remind you about taking breaks from your work - 3 Superpowers: “Give me more time”, “Travel back in time” and “De-stress” - 24 App Color Themes so Proud looks the way you like it to look - Advanced reminders - Your life goal to remind you about what’s important in your life - Your 7-days performance chart to see how many tasks you have done - Undo/redo so you feel safe when you accidentally do something wrong Works perfectly with company app for iPhone, Apple Watch, iPod Touch, and iPad. Want to see more, watch promo video, have any feedback, comments or issues? Visit http://useproud.com/ or contact us directly at support@useproud.com