Programmers Notebook

OS X 10.10
Ever wanted an app that allowed you to record bugs, improvements and ideas for things you are working on? Ever wanted such an app on iOS and OSX? And ever wanted this information to automatically be synchronised on all your devices (*) and your computers. Well, This is that app. Programmers notebook is what it says on the tin - a notebook for programmers. It has: ● An unlimited (+) number of notebooks - you could have one for each project you're working on ● An unlimited (+) number of notes in each notebook - you could have a note for each feature you think of ● Different note categories: Bugs (shown by a bug icon), Ideas (shown by a lightbulb icon), Improvements (shown by a star icon - I just couldn't come up with a better way of illustrating an improvement) ● Flags to show the importance of a feature (red is very important, orange is not important) ● A completion box for when you have completed the feature. Some things it doesn't do yet, but will in the future: ● Set a date when a feature should be completed, then nag you if you don't finish it in time. It is not your mother ● Allow pretty layout in your descriptions. If that's important, let me know and I'll work it ● Actually implement the features you're reminding yourself to do. It may never do this! (*) Look for Programmers Notebook in the iOS App Store. Sorry you need to buy two apps, but I needed to write two apps too (+) Unlimited is perhaps overstating things. Things like your imagination, size of the universe and available iCloud storage will limit the size and number of notebooks