OS X 10.14
ProFind provides fast and complete searches of any disk, beneath an elegant and extremely powerful interface. Most file search apps search either the macOS's metadata database or the disk directly. This means they can often provide search results that are incomplete, or contain unwanted items or they perform unnecessarily slowly. Not with ProFind, which searches using metadata and the disk. With support for innovative natural language queries, application launching, spatial disk browsing, hash generation, Finder integration, search saving, history, scripting and more, it's the only search app you'll ever need. Full Feature List: Natural language search queries. Unlimited search results. Search inside invisible folders and packages. Searches any disk type: Mac, Windows, servers, etc. Supported search locations: home, mac disks, local disks, servers, individual disks, open Finder folders. Search Saving and History. Search by: name, creation date, modification date, file extensions, tags, parent folders, kind, regex, wildcards and spotlight Metadata. Exclude (-) words. Hashes: md4, md5, sha1, sha224, sha256, sha384, sha512. (Show Advanced Info). Autocompletion for application names, command names and keywords. Full, non obscured, display of file paths with path diference highlighting. Large icon view for one or two search results. Spatial disk browsing (with saving of window positions, size, scroll position, etc). Support for executing shell and AppleScripts on found items. Highlighting of found words. Sidebar featuring: Saved Searches, History, Favorites, Recent Items, Built-in searches for recent downloads and recent changes files. Context menus: Sharing, Services, Open, Show In Finder, Get Info, Copy Path. Quick access to favourite folders. QuickLook previews. Supports Dark Mode (10.14 Mojave). Drag and drop out of the app. Menu bar icon on/off. Fully configurable system wide hot key. Built in command reference. App Store version runs with read-only privileges ensuring the app cannot modify files.


ProFind:你的 Mac 里没有我搜不到的东西

最近在写 DEVONthink 的评测,前期非常费时间,其中就有 sample 素材的准备,在准备这些素材时会涉及到文件搜索,让人头疼的有许多搜索需求都不是敲上关键词就能找得到的,怪我平时对文件整理的不够细致,不过好在有 ProFind 这样的给力文件搜索软件能够帮助我节约不少时间。 ProFind...