Product Manager 2

OS X 10.10
Product Manager is a macOS application to manage company products from different standpoints. Product Manager can be used also for a different typology of product to manage the activities associated to the improvements, distributions and marketing of your products. The application can create an unlimited number of family of product, any family can include an unlimited number of product The application is customizable to be adapted to the use of the specific products you manage Product Manager can be the general repository for all the data used for the technical management of your products from a various point of views. Product Manager allows to: - organize products in a logical subdivision in families of products and products owned by a family - Define a custom layout of data values (fields) used by any documents with custom name and data tags (names, values, url and so on) - Specify for any product custom values associated to the data tags layout - Create Press Release (for any product release) using templates where the data values associated with any specific product are created automatically merging press release including data tags with assigned custom value for any product. Press release are automatically prepared (as email) directly inside - Manage descriptions for the products, with various kind and keeping track of them for any different release - Keeping track of the ToDo associated for the product and keeping track of work. Create reports for items done and not done yet. Product manager is document based and can manage an unlimited number of documents each with an unlimited number of products, subdivided in families. For every product the user can store Main data with generic data fields that can be automatically recalled to generate updated press release, releases notes, press releases, bug list, ToDo list and competitive product list. The application provides also storage for further data: Media Points for press release and Text template for internal use. Product manager can provide press release automatic prepare, controlling on the user's Macintosh, all this with just a single click. Features: - Easy to use interface - No learning period required - Products stored in a hierarchical view by families - Totally customizable layout of values associated to products to be used in Press Release creation and for reference - Customizable labels adaptable to different products type - Descriptions of the product for the release of the product over time - Press release of the product, for the different release, and create dynamically merging text templates with custom data (using text data tags to insert data values) - ToDo list of activities relate dot the product - Bug or problems product related to solve - List of competitors for the product - Can manage an unlimited families and products - Automatic email preparing to an address list controlling from inside Product Manager via Scripting Bridge - Text template ready to be inserted inside text view - Embedded PDF user guide – Optimized for macOS 10.13 High Sierra