presenterCue can be used to rehearse timed speeches, group presentations, and manage meetings.
It is a simple but useful tool to give presenters a clue about the time remaining for your speech. The simple interface allows fast setup, is designed for use with a touchscreen and gives you a good support to run a conference, meeting or presentation on schedule.
• Countdown for speakers, presenters or shows
• unlimited presets with 2 warning times, cost per hour and speaking time.
• 12 presets for text messages
• visualisation of the running speaking time on the bottom of the screen.
• adding and subtracting time, while the countdown is running
• "TimeShift" for adjusting the running time against the real time ( ± 25%)
• flashing screen, when countdown finished.
• showing the overdue time
• showing "costs per minute", when being in overdue
Please contact our team or visit our website for further information about a professional version which features multiple fullscreen displays - either locally or over network.