OS X 10.7
PowerEncoding is an easy and powerful tool for converting files' encoding and line endings. *Notice*: PowerEncoding only supports text-based files, for example: .txt, .xml and .cpp and etc. Rich Text Format file can not be converted, such as .doc, .docx, .rtf. Features: - Batch convert files' encoding and line endings - Auto detect file's encoding and line endings - Preview file's content with selected encoding - Drag and drop support, easy to add files - Apple Script - One-click revert file's content - Open file with specified application - File convert status with color indicator (Yellow for files will be converted, Red for files with wrong Current Encoding) - Bottom status display how many files added and how many files will be converted Apple Script Example: tell application "PowerEncoding" add files from POSIX file "/Users/ohdarling/Downloads/ToBeConvert" target encoding "Unicode (UTF-8)" start convert end tell Target Line Endings options: Windows, Unix, Classic Any question or suggestions just email to tickplant+support@gmail.com