Poster templates for Photoshop

OS X 10.7
Cool design, cool enough for you. Poster art of information transfer, is a popular promotional tool. Posters also known as posters. Is affixed to the wall in the streets. We provide the most professional poster design, including source files PSD format. Allows you to design easier. Now with 80+ design template. It is a world-class design. Store posters Store posters usually applied during business storefront, do in-store decorations and promotional purposes. Store poster design needs to take into account the store's overall style, tone and content business, and strive to blending with the environment. Merchants Posters Merchants usually commercial publicity poster for the purpose of using striking visual effects for propaganda purposes of particular goods or services. Merchants poster design should clarify its business topics, while the copy of the application should pay attention to be focused, not too fancy. Exhibition poster Propaganda poster exhibition is mainly used for exhibitions, often located in the streets, theaters, exhibitions, downtown business district, railway stations, docks, parks and other public places. It has a role in the dissemination of information, involving a wide and rich artistic expression, hyperopia effect strong. Plane poster Unlike plane poster design poster design, it is a monomer, a independent poster advertising, poster design and contains three-dimensional, time staggered sense, giving the concept of the establishment of an immersive, this poster often require more abstract expression. Without some design skills, it is difficult to achieve pleasing results. Plane poster design was not so much restraint, he can make an accompanying long as it can express the subject of publicity is very NICE. So the plane poster design is more in line with a low cost of modern advertising industry's favor, watch and strong pictorial. Hanging in the window of the large paintings, with its striking images to attract the attention of passers-by, a sense of the 20th century is the century of political propaganda posters as a means of publicity at that time also reached the peak, where the two world wars, Soviet revolution and construction, the Spanish civil War is the peak of the political poster creation, especially in the first five decades of the twentieth century, is to posters accusing him of its golden age. Shortly after the October Revolution in Russia, the capital of central Moscow post office windows plastered with posters for the public to understand the revolutionary situation from these different manifestations of the poster. At school, posters commonly used in theatrical performances, games, stories, exhibitions, parents, festivals, contests and other games. Poster design general requirement is to make clear. Posters usually contain general notice, and so was the theme should be clearly visible at a glance (eg xx competitions, discounts, etc.), then summarize such as time, place, notes and other major content in the most succinct statement. Beautiful poster illustration, layout is usually a great way to attract attention. In real life, there are more abstract and concrete. thank you. This is the most professional poster design