OS X 10.8
++++++++ You may want to check ibiPos, an advanced version of POSotto. You can find it at ibipos.com +++++++++ POSotto is an easy to use yet complete Point of Sale solution for your Mac. +++++++++ TRIAL AVAILABLE!!! http://www.ibinsen.com/POSotto_Trial.zip limited to 10 products. +++++++++ Turn your Mac into a POS: manage your products and stock, print receipts, store sales history, manage customers, and much more. It's easy to manage the inventory: create a product entry and add several details to it, including name, barcode, unique code, description, manufacturer, supplier, quantity in stock, warehouse position, image (take it with the built-in Mac camera or from your HD), if the product is to be ordered or to arrive, etc. POSotto helps you set prices and discounts as well. First, set the wholesale and a pre-tax price, then choose a tax rule to get the final price (and profit). Also, you can set a discount and have the discounted final price automatically calculated. POSotto, thanks to iCal reminders, can even alert you when a supplier should deliver an order and a discount should be ended. From the main Products window, it is possible to filter and sort products to find what you are looking for in no time! *** In the Basket window, you are ready to choose the products and quantity to sell (when they are sold, their stock quantity decrease!). Not only, but you can set a cashier and a customer for each sale to be printed in the receipt. When you close the basket, if you have set all settings of your shop (name, address, logo, etc.) you can print a real receipt! Every sale is recorded with a unique date and code, so that, in the History window, you can analyze sales between two dates, for a single customer or cashier (if set), getting important statistics about your shop trends. *** Do you need to write an email to all of your customers? No problem! Manage them in the Customer window and click the newsletter button: the Mail app will open with all the customers' email addresses set as recipients. *** POSotto helps you create and use categories, cashiers, suppliers, manufacturers, with plenty of details for each entry. Find the on-site help on http://ibinsen.com TRIAL AVAILABLE!!! http://www.ibinsen.com/POSotto_Trial.zip limited to 10 products. POSotto is the ideal solution for small-medium sized shops: no steep learning curve, just an app that does what you really need, built with simplicity in mind! ++++++++ You may want to check ibiPos, an advanced version of POSotto. You can find it at ibipos.com +++++++++