A simple, flexible, and easy-to-use Texas Hold'em odds calculator.
(The Basic version of PokerCruncher.)
*** Pay once and enjoy forever ***
No in-app purchases/fees.
Continual improvement (9+ years).
*** Tutorial and videos on our website ***
PokerCruncher-Basic supports up to 10 players and specific cards and random/unknown cards. Even though this is the Basic version of PokerCruncher, it has additional features like hand type stats, dead cards, and n:1 odds that some other odds calculators don't have.
PokerCruncher-Basic has a clean, efficient, easy-to-use interface. It's a native app that runs locally on your machine (internet connection not needed) so it’s much faster to use than an internet-based odds calculator.
Expert Version of PokerCruncher:
If you want to do some seriously powerful Texas Hold'em odds analysis, check out the Expert version of PokerCruncher, which goes well beyond even PokerStove. PokerCruncher-Expert has fully general hand ranges, Deal-To-Flop/Turn, flop/turn/river texture analysis, many stats, and additional, expert-level features like range equity distribution graphs, many top x% hand orderings, %age weights in hand ranges, filter range, and next card heat map.
Please see the PokerCruncher Tutorial and videos on our website for more info. on all of the expert-level features.
Great reviews from poker experts, pros, and coaches, and on our TwoPlusTwo forum thread.
(See our website.)
iPhone, iPad, and Mac(Expert) versions available
"Although there are a ton of poker iPhone applications available in the iTunes store, none are focused on actually making the user a better poker player. Enter applications developed by PokerCruncher ..."
-- PokerSoftware.com
See our website for our strong 9+ year free app update history.
Follow us on Facebook and Twitter.
+ Runs locally on machine, internet connection not needed
+ Fast Monte Carlo simulation, complete enumeration for some common cases
+ General tool, e.g. up to 10 players
+ Specific cards, random/unknown cards, for each player (Expert version has fully general hand ranges)
+ Hand type stats: OnePair, TwoPair, etc.
+ Generate random player and board cards to set up what-if and test scenarios
+ Dead cards
+ Fold/Un-Fold players
+ Save/load and export/import scenarios (hands)
+ %age's or n:1 odds
+ Keyboard shortcuts
+ Stat histogram bars
+ Small, medium window sizes
Please see the PokerCruncher Tutorial and videos on our website for a full description of all of the features.
App Store reviews are greatly appreciated, thank you.