Pocket Runners

OS X 10.6.6
“It’s like Temple Run and Cannabalt packed into one awesome game that can fit in your pocket!” –George M., Bellevue, WA Pocket Runners takes the “PLAY, CREATE, &, SHARE” concept to the next level by giving players the tools and power to create immersive action-runner styled levels! NEW LEVELS EVERY DAY Players like you from around the world are making fun and challenging levels for you to play, every single day. Do you think you can beat them all? IMMERSIVE THEMES Tired of playing as the Hiker? Why not put yourself in the Zombies shoes? Or better yet, go back to the stone ages and run from the ferocious sabertooths! We’ve provided 3 action-packed themes for FREE to keep the fun going on and on! You can switch the theme whenever you want! AMERICA’S NEXT TOP GAME DESIGNER We’ve provided a fully functional level editor, out of the box. Use these tools to become the next up and coming game designer of 2013. DYNAMIC, ONLINE COMMUNITY Is a level too easy or too hard? Let the creator know! Get involved with the creators and communicate with them to build up a community of great levels. GET SOCIAL Did you just create an amazing level? Share it with all of your friends and family on Facebook or challenge the community! Show them your masterpiece and challenge them to a fun experience! EARN PRIZES & REWARDS Get rewarded by playing, creating, and sharing levels! Use these rewards to unlock new levels and exclusive in-game content. SIRQUL INTEGRATION Integrated with the newest and hottest social, location, mobile platform of 2013, Pocket Runners creates a mind-blowing experience for all ages. Good luck. We’ll see you on the leaderboards! Learn more about Pocket Runners and other FREE games at http://www.sirqul.com/pocketrunners CONTACT: pocketrunners@sirqul.com WEBSITE: http://sirqul.com FACEBOOK: http://facebook.com/sirqul TWITTER: http://twitter.com/sirqul About Sirqul, Inc. Pocket Runners is powered by Sirqul.com, a Seattle-based startup that has created a ubiquitous social platform enabling consumers and brands to create their own distributed, Social-Location-Mobile solutions as a means of driving awareness and engagement through viral adoption. Pocket Runners is one of many applications that Sirqul will release this year leveraging the Sirqul platform.